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Prophetic Art Ministry

by Jasmin Ng

Xenia Teo, 2014, Singapore

Xenia Teo shares her experience and process in the prophetic art ministry.

Xenia painting a prophetic painting during service prior to COVID-19

Qns: What is prophetic art and what makes it different from other types of art?

Ans: Prophetic Art is using art as a medium to share what the Lord has spoken to the artist. It is a means of sharing a message in art form.

From what I know, the relatively popular prophetic art is done spontaneously, moving in the spirit—usually in an atmosphere of worship atmosphere—while fine arts has a more calibrated way of preparation and method.

Historically, Christian art depicts certain passages in the Bible. Some of the well-known ones are The Calling of St Matthew by Caravaggio, The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci, The Return of the Prodigal Son by Rembrandt and The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo, painted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

Qns: What was your first experience with prophetic art like?

Ans: My first prophetic painting experience was in January 2019. At first, I was really clueless as to what to paint, and I haven’t been painting for a while. It was somewhat intimidating to work on a large piece for a start. However, as I leaned in towards God, surrendering my thoughts and allowing Him to be the creator of the painting, God slowly revealed to me—part by part—what He wanted me to paint. After the art piece was done, a few church members shared with me how it ministered to them and reminded them of the love, comfort and protection of God upon their lives. I feel so blessed to be given the opportunity to serve God in this manner.

Qns: Can you share a time when God used your gift to speak to someone or a particular situation?

Ans: In 2020, I felt that God wanted me to bless the married couples in my Cell Group through a prophetic art session. We had a time of worshipping God and while in the presence of God, the participants were to hear from God and paint out what God was speaking to them about their marriage. Prior to the session, many of them shared that they were not good in art nor creative. I encouraged them by sharing how I started in prophetic art ministry; to simply see the vision, and paint it out. As they focused on God, the Holy Spirit would guide their hands.

Many of the couples were amazed and ministered by the paintings that God helped them to create. They were very moved as they realised God’s love for them and their marriage.

One of the wives shared this: “The session brought us closer and connected us on a deeper level. We have been so caught up with the kids and often quarrelled due to different views on family issues. This session is like a door to restoration”.

Qns: Can only certain people with specific gifts or a special connection with God do prophetic art?

Ans: I believe anyone can do prophetic art. It’s all about discerning what God is speaking to us, through words, verses, visions and impressions; and trusting God that He will guide our hands as we take the step of faith to create, draw, paint and colour them out.

Qns: What is the process of creating prophetic art like?

Ans: God speaks in different ways to different people. Here’s a flow that I usually take (which might be different from others):

Firstly, create an atmosphere of worship. Start the session with an open heart and remove distractions.

Secondly, listen to what God is saying. Usually, there will be an impression or a certain topic or focus that the Holy Spirit will give you.

Thirdly, research and dig deeper. Going through the Scriptures or reading Bible commentaries will help you understand the vision or impression.

Fourthly, sketch the details and paint the vision. Keeping an open heart is important; give room for the Holy Spirit to change and edit during the painting process. Different art mediums, colours, and textures all play a part in how God wants to create through our hands.

Finally, as a personal practice, write a devotion about the painting and how it speaks to you.

Qns: Any advice for those who are interested in prophetic art?

Ans: Be open and allow God to guide you! You may want to research online for some guidance, or paint alongside someone who does prophetic art.


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