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Responding to God’s Call

by Jasmin Ng

Josephine Chua, 1995, Singapore

Qns: Hi Josephine! You’ve been a cell group leader since the early years of the church. Please share with us about your life in CHC.

Ans: I have been a member of City Harvest Church since 1991. CHC is my first and only church since I received Christ as a youth. Today, I am married to one of CHC’s worship leaders, Poh, for 21 years and we have three wonderful children who have grown up in the church.

In my younger days, I used to be a cell group leader and even served as pastoral staff in church. However, in December 2007, after the birth of our third child, Poh and I decided that I should focus on the children and be a stay-home mum. After 14 years as a cell group leader, I switched my focus to my children. Nurturing them has given me great joy and satisfaction.

Qns: We know you’ve had some encounters with God in recent years that has brought about a significant change in your life. Do tell us more.

Ans: In the beginning of 2019, I was deeply moved by God in our weekend services. During the altar call, we sang these lyrics: “We will go from glory to glory … and we will rise again.” Those words resonated strongly in my heart. Tears streamed down my face as I was brought back to an experience in 1993 when Pastor Kong stood on the stage of the NTUC auditorium and declared that “God will raise up a generation that will take the nations by storm”. He gave an altar call for those who felt called to full-time ministry. The auditorium was filled with youths, packed to capacity. We responded to the call and I told God that I would lay down my life for His kingdom’s cause. The following year in 1994, I enrolled into Bible school—the first batch of students in City Harvest Bible Training Centre, which later became City Harvest School of Theology. Upon graduation, I worked full-time as a pastoral
staff in CHC.

Fast forward to 2019, in that service, as we sang the refrain—“we’re your generation, Lord”—I heard God say, “Yes! You’re MY generation. Not just in the days of your youth; I’ve called you to a life of ministry. I felt a deep stirring in my heart and I knew it was a call to action for me.

Qns: Why did you step out to become a cell group leader again after 12 years?

Ans: I had been faithfully attending church and cell group for the past 12 years. God was now calling me to be willing and open to receive a new touch. Shortly after these two encounters with God, I attended my zone’s worship night where I felt God perform a heart surgery on me. I was drenched with tears in God’s presence and these words rang in my mind, “Return to Me, return to Me.” In Jeremiah 24:7, it says: “I will give them a heart to know Me … and I will be their God, for they shall return to Me with their whole heart.”

I heeded the voice of God and responded to His call that day.

Qns: What was it like the first time you led a cell group again after so many years?

Ans: On 7 June 2019, I led my first cell group meeting after so long. There were 15 of us at our first meeting. Poh song led and we played some ice-breaker games, just like how we did in the past. I felt led to share a message about transition as this was something we all had in common and could relate to. We also sang this old song titled “One Voice”. The presence of God came and God knitted our hearts together as one, despite our differences and the challenges we have ahead of us.

After the meeting, a few of the members shared how blessed they were and how it felt like old times. I felt humbled, blessed and very encouraged by them.

Josephine and her cell group (Picture was taken prior to COVID-19)

Qns: Can you share about some of the challenges you face while leading a cell group today?

Ans: The biggest hurdle for me was stepping out. I was hesitant as to whether I could manage the ministry demands along with family commitments. Moreover, most of my members were new to me and it was understandable that they were also struggling with the transition to a new cell group. Pastor Kong taught us that “relationship precedes ministry”, so I reminded them that while I may be their leader, Jesus is our Chief Shepherd; and that my heart is to point them to Jesus and make Him the “centre” of our cell group. I also put in the time and effort to get to know each one of them, building relationship one at a time. Unless the Lord builds the house, we who labour, will labour in vain. There is no other way to lead a cell group than to partner with God and be His faithful steward.

I still look back and marvel at how God brought us all together. Two years have flown by and I’m so grateful that the very same group of people who started with us in that meeting are still anchoring and serving alongside us. All glory to God!

Qns: How would you encourage someone who has taken a break from ministry, or is currently not serving in any ministry, to start serving again?   

Ans: My prayer is that God will revive us according to His Word. God wants your ministry to be a blessing to you, not a burden. He has gifted everyone with different talents and abilities. If God has ignited your heart to serve, respond to the call of God. Let us be open to receive a fresh touch from Him.

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