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Trusting and Honouring God in Business

by Evan

Xu Yu Man, 2018, Northeast Asia

I have been a Christian for the last 12 years. I am thankful to God that my clothing business for the past 10 years has been doing well and seeing profits. However, beyond the financial blessings, it is having my mind renewed by God that has truly changed my life.

Yuman’s clothing store

As a non-believer in the past, I relied on my own strength by working hard. Finance was my only sense of security. Hence, I was diligent to save money and invest in my business. Earning money was what gave me a sense of achievement and security.

After receiving salvation of the Lord, I have experienced the love and grace of God. I still work hard, but I now rely on the Lord to empower me to succeed! I no longer fix my eyes on wealth but unto Jesus. He is now my sense of security and my Lord. With Jesus, I have everything, and as I abide in His love, I am satisfied (1 John 4:16).

Over the years, I have also learnt how to walk in the Lord and have spiritual intimacy with the Holy Spirit. Instead of spending money however I want, I would ask God to show me where I should put my money to bless others. I understand that my business and wealth are given to me by God, and I want to be a good steward for the Lord. I want to use the money wisely and to use it for His Kingdom. (1 Peter 4:10).

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