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Following Jesus’ Speed of Love

by Evan

Devotion by Ong Weiren (Pastoral Supervisor)

God walks ‘slowly’ because He is love. If He is not love He would have gone much faster. Love has its speed. It is an inner speed. It is a spiritual speed. It is a different kind of speed from the technological speed to which we are accustomed. It is ‘slow’ yet it is lord over all other speeds since it is the speed of love. It goes on in the depth of our life, whether we notice or not, whether we are currently hit by storm or not, at three miles an hour. It is the speed we walk and therefore it is the speed the love of God walks.
– From Three Mile an Hour God by Koyama, Kosuke

Our modern-day fast speed life is quite different from the speed of Jesus.

We are used to having things quickly in our world: the Internet speed, our Grab delivery or ride, our conversations, and so on. Living in a fast paced, productive and efficient society—and that is all good—may unknowingly form a hurried and restless spirit in us.

The consequences of a hurried and restless spirit results in us wanting our loved ones to speak faster and move faster, overlooking their needs and cry for love and attention. Even if we do see the needs of people, we may not offer help because our hurried hearts are anxious over the inability to complete our own tasks and pursuits.

Jesus’ “slow walk” in Mark 5 shows us that it is more effective to demonstrate love  when we are not preoccupied or in a hurry.

In Mark 5, Jesus reached out to a woman and a girl, both connected by “12 years”—the woman suffered a blood disorder for 12 years, while the 12-year-old girl was sick unto death. According to the Torah (Leviticus 15:19, Numbers 19:11), both were unclean and whoever touched them would be made unclean too. Jesus crossed the sea to extend God’s love to them.

The passage begins with a panic-stricken father, Jairus, urgently pleading with Jesus to heal his daughter who was dying (Mark 5:23). Jairus’ urgency did not cause Jesus to fluster and rush. He kept to His usual speed of love (literally and figuratively). You see, if Jesus had picked up His pace and hurried off, the woman with the blood disorder would not have been able to catch up with Him. I’d like to think that Jesus has her in mind. By this time, Jairus was frantic; he kept hurrying Jesus because his daughter was dying.

Jesus did the opposite.

He slowed down and engaged the woman with the blood disorder—even after she received her healing. “Who touched Me?”—a strange question to ask seeing that the  crowd was thronging Him. But Jesus wanted to do more than heal her physical  body, He wanted to heal her heart and soul. And He took His time to do so.

Daughter – Jesus established a relationship with her
your faith has made you well – Jesus gave her validation and encouragement
“go in peace” – Jesus gave her His blessings

By this point, Jairus must have been sick with anxiety and worry about his dying daughter. His worst nightmare came to pass when someone from his house brought the tragic news “Your daughter has died; why trouble the Teacher anymore?” (Mark 5:35) A turmoil of emotions must have hit Jairus. Fully aware of his deep pain, anger and distress, Jesus turned to him and said,

“Do not be afraid any longer, only believe.”

Perhaps Jesus is saying this right now to our hurried and fearful hearts.
Do not be afraid, He is in control and everything is going to be alright.

Jesus finally reached Jairus’ house and raised his daughter from the dead. Even after the task was completed, Jesus didn’t rush off but stayed to ensure that the young girl was given something to eat.

Love can be demonstrated more effectively when we walk in a slower pace like Jesus, unhurried and intentional.

Slow down for your parents, your children, your spouse and friends. They need your love and attentiveness.

Slow down for yourself to receive the love of Jesus and find rest in Him.

Jesus invites those who are weary and heavy ladened to be yoked to Him so that they can live their lives in the rest of God (Matthew 11:28). But in order to be yoked to God, one must walk the same pace as Him (both literally and figuratively).

Let us walk with Jesus, be yoked to His slow speed of love. You will find healing for your hurried and weary soul; and those around you can find healing in Jesus through your love for them.

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