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Sharing God’s Love To Those Around Me

by Evan

Lucy Chan, 2023, Chinese Taipei

Studying in City Harvest School of Theology has always been my dream, but I can’t get over the hurdle of leaving my family behind in Taiwan to study and live abroad. My first concern is for my elderly parents, and my second concern is for finances to pay for my expenses abroad in Singapore.

It wasn’t until last October, a month before I got married, that I felt the urgency to enrol into SOT. It was now or never as I would be starting a family after marriage. Moved by the Holy Spirit, it felt like it was the feasible thing to do. My fiancé, Mark and I are both first generation Christians. He was very supportive of my decision and agreed that I should go as soon as possible.

With the approval of my fiancé and my pastor, within three days I was ready to enrol into SOT. However, I faced opposition from my father. He was against the idea as he felt I should not be separated from my newly wedded husband. So Mark and I prayed and asked God to make a way for me. Thanks to God’s guidance and direction, we finally managed to persuade both sides of the family to let me go to SOT.

SOT was the beginning of my journey of dying to self and receiving courage from God. During a prayer meeting, God dealt with issues in my heart that I thought was unimportant and inconsequential. Really, I was nursing emotional hurts that had been affecting my relationships around me and my lack of trust with people. God spoke to me and gave me a picture as I was praying. I never realized that I had such a problem in my relationships with people, that I had ignored the love of those around me. So when God revealed the pain I had experienced as a child, suddenly it was like a handkerchief being lifted. I saw the problem and felt God’s love. It seemed like a small thing; something I could barely remember, but God took it very seriously and wanted to heal my heart.

As I have felt God’s love so deeply, it has now become my desire to share that love to those around me, so that they too can experience the immense love of God for themselves.

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