Devotion by Pastor Tan Kim Hock
Dear SOT Alumni,
Greetings in the most precious name of Jesus! I pray that you are going strong by the grace and power of the Holy Spirit.
Most of us would agree that the year 2020 has been an unusual one that has changed our lives in different ways—due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. Even as we currently navigate through 2021, the whole world is still grappling with the effects of this pandemic. Despite the unrest, we, as believers, can hold on to the promise of God in Romans 8:28 – that as we continue to love Him and respond to His purpose, all things will work out for our good! Amidst the challenges the world is facing, I believe that this is not an accident or a coincidence, but that God is ushering us into a new season. Hebrews 12:27-28 describes this season so well; God is shaking the whole world, such that “the things which cannot be shaken may remain.” In the midst of all the turmoil, uncertainty, shaking and darkness, God wants to reveal His unshakable Kingdom!
Personally, I, too, went through a “life-shaking” journey with my cancer relapse accompanied by a painful bowel syndrome—probably caused by the accumulated effects of operation, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The cramps were so bad that I could not sleep and eat properly. My weight dropped from 65kg to 47kg within a short span of one and a half months. I prayed through the nights (because I couldn’t sleep anyway) and pleaded with the Lord for my breakthrough. I know the Lord was with me, but He was silent. Somehow, God put the “brakes” on my lifestyle, just like He did a “reset” for the whole world in 2020.
To be honest, at the beginning, I was “upset” with God and “bargained” with Him. I told Him that I needed to get back to work and ministry to “serve” Him, and I need to be there for my family. Again, the Lord was silent. After much whining, complaining and bargaining, I finally gave up. Something “died” within me. I finally surrendered and yielded to Him; regardless of any outcome, healing or not. I learned to quiet my soul like a weaned child, and trust simply in His goodness (Ps 131). For so long I have battled difficult situations in my own strength, when all Jesus wants for me is to take His yoke and learn from Him (Mt 11:28-30). I realised that I could not continue to serve God based on my previous knowledge and experiences. I needed fresh revelation of the Word and a new anointing of the Holy Spirit! For a long time, I had been distracted by the busyness of life and the demands of ministry that I neglected the most basic foundation—the Word of God!
In the Parable of the Sower (Mk 4:3-9; 13-20), found also in the other synoptic gospels; Jesus made it plain that “the sower (which is God) sowed the word” (v14) and understanding this particular parable is vital to “understanding all parables” (v13); which reveal the truth of God’s Kingdom. In fact, in this parable, we see clearly how the devil’s main attack in our lives is to steal the Word from us (v15). If he can’t steal it, he will stir persecution and offences against the Word (v16); or choke the Word with the deceitfulness of riches and cares of the world (v19). Paul affirmed that real spiritual warfare was to cast down “every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God (the Word of God)” (2 Cor 10:5). Hosea the prophet lamented that God’s people “are destroyed for lack of knowledge & forgotten the law of God” (Hos 4:6). However, when we receive the Word on good ground, the harvest is guaranteed; we will become fruitful in our lives (v20)!
Jesus put it so plainly in His conclusion in the Sermon on the Mount (Mt 7:24-27). The storms of life are inevitable, pretty much like what we are experiencing now with the pandemic, as well as the economic and social instability. However, a wise person is one who will regard the Word of God as the supreme priority of life, and put into practice the Words of Christ. No matter how great the storm is, our lives will be unshakable because we choose to build it upon the solid foundation of His Word. That is why Jesus was urgent about communicating God’s Word because His Words “are spirit and life” (Jn 6:63) and the moment you know the truth of God’s Word, “the truth shall make you free” (Jn 8:32). God’s Word keeps us from sin (Ps 119:9-11); cleanses our lives (Eph 5:26); produces faith in us (Rom 10:17); heals and delivers us (Ps 107:20); guides our decisions (Ps 119:105), and the list goes on.
The knowledge of God and His Word outweighs all other knowledge and its impact is eternal. I’m amazed that many Christians will invest large amount of resources in the pursuit of an academic degree, or a professional certification, and even attend motivation talks or new investment strategies; but leave little time and resources to read the Bible, or attend a Bible study course. Once again, please don’t think that I am against acquiring a good education or professional knowledge. I love knowledge and enjoy learning many other expertise. However, every other knowledge fades in comparison to the greatest knowledge of all—God and His Word.
With this in mind, I want to encourage you to join us next year in the new courses that we have prepared for the SOT alumni. It will equip and strengthen you in your life and ministry, positioning you to ride the next wave of revival that God is ushering in! I know that God is preparing CHC and all of us for a breakthrough in the coming years. My prayer is that we will strengthen our foundation in the Word of God, so that we will have the capacity to contain His glory and become the light (solution) in the darkened world. My desire is for every SOT alumni to become more Christlike, living epistles where the Word becomes flesh (reality); and to show the dying world the glorious kingdom of God!
So please continue to be rooted in God’s Word and stay connected to SOT and also to one another. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon and fellowshipping with you. May the grace of God be upon us all as we seek His Kingdom! God bless!