COVID-19 has disrupted our daily lives significantly, affecting how we connect and interact with one another. In this series of snippets, Cell …
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Missions is a way of life for this SOT alumnus. Stanley Yew shares how he caught the fire for missions and how …
岑贤光牧师的灵修分享 一年半已过去,而全世界仍然在努力抗击冠状病毒疫情,并且对未来的前景感到不确定。很显然,疫情影响了我们的生活,导致许多人在身心灵和经济上都面临极大的困难。在这样的时期,我们往往想的是:神到底在哪里,我们要做些什么祂才会为我们动工?
Devotion by Pastor Aries Zulkarnain After a year and a half, the world is still grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic and remains …
赵仁院长的灵修分享 过去的一年对我们每一个人来说都是非比寻常的。我们从一些校友那里听闻突破的好消息;但与此同时,我们也共同承担了其他校友因受到冠状病毒疫情影响而经历的悲痛。