Tommy Tiong, 2023, Malaysia Before I enrolled into the School of Theology, I had just started full-time ministry for four months. I …
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Devotion by Kelvin Tan (Zone Supervisor) Making Jesus the source of all we are and all we do.
陈金福传道, 1973-2023, 信心英雄 我们最亲爱的牧师、圣经老师和主内的弟兄,金福传道已在2023年9月26日安息主怀。此时此刻,我们难以表达我们心中所感受的悲痛和失落。然而,我们非常肯定金福传道现在已在神的同在里。在主归来时,我们都能再次见到他。
Pastor Kim Hock, 1973-2023, A Hero of Faith Our beloved pastor, bible teacher and brother-in-Christ, Ps Kim Hock, has gone home to …
Klessis Lee, 2023, Singapore During the pandemic, SOT went on a hiatus for 2 years. When I heard that they were resuming, …
Ophelia Sek, 2019, Singapore Upon my graduation from University and the School of Theology in 2019, I was left with a school …